Error messages and troubleshooting steps in CubeBackup for Google Workspace

Search this section for specific error messages and solutions on your CubeBackup instance. If you need additional assistance, we are always happy to help at [email protected].

 Suggested solution

(e.g. backuperrorlog.csv)

On the HISTORY page of CubeBackup web console, you can click the entry under Warning Status or Errors and open a pop-up box detailing the error messages for that action. Click on the top right to download a CSV error log file and upload it below for further diagnosis.

Backup & Restore errors

Backup errors are always automatically retried in CubeBackup for Google Workspace. In most cases, this will resolve the problem and no action needs to be taken. Repeated errors, such as Google Workspace permission issues and storage issues, should be resolved as soon as possible. Please follow the instructions below for help with backup and restore errors.

Permission issues (action required)

Error 401 Unauthorized Response, disabled_client
  • ... oauth2: cannot fetch token: 401 Unauthorized Response: {"error": "disabled_client", "error_description": "The OAuth client was disabled."}

    CubeBackup will report this error when the service account you've created and authorized in Google Cloud Platform has been disabled. Please find the GCP project you've created the service account in, and re-enabled it before proceeding with the backup service.

Error 400 Bad Request Response, invalid_grant
  • ... oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request Response: {"error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Not a valid email or user ID."}
  • ... oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request Response: {"error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "No valid verifier for issuer: ..."}

    When the service account you've registered for CubeBackup has been deleted, or the original Google Workspace admin account has had its privileges revoked, CubeBackup will report the invalid_grant errors above. Please replace the service account or update the Google Workspace admin email in CubeBackup.

Error 403: Not authorized to access this resourse/api, forbidden
  • googleapi: Error 403: Not authorized to access this resource/api, forbidden
  • failed: googleapi: Error 403: Delegation denied for ..., forbidden

    CubeBackup relies on the correct Google Workspace domain administrator account for domain-wide OAuth authentication. If the administrator of your Google Workspace domain has been renamed or had their admin privileges revoked, please update the admin email address by following the instructions here: How to update my Google Admin account in CubeBackup.

Storage issues (action required)

The specified network name is no longer available
  • mkdir E:\cubebackup_data failed: mkdir E:: The system cannot find the path specified.
  • Storage writing test failed: can't write file at \\...: The specified network name is no longer available.

    For CubeBackup instances running on on-premises storage, the backup process may be interrupted if the storage device is no longer accessible. This could happen due to a server reboot or configuration modification on the network storage device. After reconnecting to the backup storage, please manually initiate a backup task to confirm that CubeBackup can now properly read/write to the backup storage.

database disk image is malformed
  • failed: database disk image is malformed

    For network storage devices, inappropriate read/write operations or storage device hardware failures may result in a corrupted SQLite file in your data index. Please reach out to [email protected] to assess the data damage and ask for further assistance.

The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable
  • open E:\cubebackup_data\domains\...: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

    For backups stored on a local drive or network storage, files may become corrupted unexpectedly due to errors in your backup repository volume. Fortunately, Windows provides a chkdsk command to help check and fix the file system of a volume for logical and physical errors.

  chkdsk e: \f     #Please replace the drive letter with the drive where the backup repository is located.

Other errors (requiring no further action)

request context canceled caused by: context deadline exceeded
  • downloadFile() failed: RequestCanceled: request context canceled caused by: context deadline exceeded
  • oauth2: cannot fetch token: unexpected EOF
  • An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
  • An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
  • A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
  • RequestTimeout: Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be closed. status code: 400
  • Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
  • Get "": oauth2: cannot fetch token: Post "": dial tcp: lookup no such host
  • Storage writing test failed: can't write file at …: RequestError: send request failed caused by: Put "...": dial tcp: lookup ...: no such host

    It is possible for network connection issues to happen at different stages of a backup process and result in the various error messages above. You can be confident that any timeouts or cancellations will not result in missing files. As long as the network instability is temporary, CubeBackup will correct any issues in the next backup.

InternalError: An internal error occurred
  • google api return http code 503 msg:{ "error": { "code": 503, "message": "The service is currently unavailable.", "errors": [ { "message": "The service is currently unavailable.", "domain": "global", "reason": "backendError" } ], "status": "UNAVAILABLE" } }
  • backup ... failed:InternalError: An internal error occurred. Please retry your upload. status code: 500, request id: ..., host id: ...
  • backup ...:... failed: downloadFile() failed: googleapi: got HTTP response code 500 with body: Internal Server Error

    The internal server error 5XX is usually related to a temporary server outage in either Google cloud or your cloud storage service provider. These issues are usually fixed prompt and should be resolved by your next backup.

Error 403: cannotDownloadAbusiveFile
  • downloadFile() failed:googleapi: Error 403: This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded., cannotDownloadAbusiveFile

    Google Workspace will flag any files identified as suspicious in your Google Workspace, and CubeBack will skip over them for security reasons. If you wish to ignore the warning and download these files anyway, please contact [email protected] for help in turning off the detection feature for your CubeBackup instance (not recommended).

Error 403: Quota exceeded for quota metric
  • Error 403: Calendar usage limits exceeded., quotaExceeded... failed: googleapi: Error 403: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:...'., rateLimitExceeded

    All API calls to a particular Google Cloud service are controlled by a quota. Once exceeded, the backup or restore process will be interrupted. If this becomes a persistent error in CubeBackup, you may wish to follow these instructions to apply for a higher quota in your Google Cloud Platform project.

Initial setup errors

Incorrect inputs or authorization errors may cause problems during the initial setup of CubeBackup for Google Workspace. Follow the instructions below to help solve some of the errors that may crop up.

Authorization failed
  • Authorization failed. Sometimes domain-wide authorizations take a few minutes to propagate. Please wait and then try again.

    Please double-check all authorization settings in your Google Admin Console and Google Cloud Platform. If the error persists, please click details to expand the error dialog, and reach out to [email protected] for assistance.

MountWindowsNetworkLocation failed
  • MountWindowsNetworkLocation (...) failed: Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one username, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.

    This error usually occurs because the network storage path is currently being connected to more than once by the same machine. Please disconnect all existing connections or restart the backup server, and run the setup wizard again to confirm that the backup storage is now available.

file is not a database
Error 400 Invalid Input, invalid
  • googleapi: Error 400: Invalid Input, invalid

    Please check that the domain admin you've entered is a valid Google Workspace admin for your domain and not a service account email address. Click Next to try again in the web console.

Error 401 Unauthorized Response
  • ... oauth2: cannot fetch token: 401 Unauthorized Response: {"error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description": "Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes requested."}

    Please double-check the API scopes and client ID you've added in your Google Admin Console > Security > Access and data control > API controls > MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION page, and make sure that your service account Name, Client ID and the Scopes are listed correctly as outlined in the setup wizard. Wait a few minutes for the updates to propagate before trying again in the web console.

Error 401 Invalid Credentials, authError
  • Error 401:Invalid Credentials, authError

    This error usually happens when certain Google APIs are not properly enabled, or the Google service account is not correctly authorized. Please double-check your configuration and wait a few minutes to try the authorization again.

Error 403 The domain adminitrators have disabled Drive apps, domainPolicy
  • googleapi: Error 403: The domain administrators have disabled Drive apps., domainPolicy

    CubeBackup requires that you enable the Drive SDK for the Google Workspace domain you wish to back up. Please sign in to the Google Admin console, and go to Apps > Google Workspace > Drive and Docs > Features and Applications. In the Drive SDK section, make sure that Allow users to access Google Drive with the Drive SDK API is ON. Then you can wait a few minutes and click Next again to retry the authorization.

i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
  • Get…: dial tcp … i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

    An HTTP connection timeout error means that your server failed to connect to the Google OAuth service. The most likely cause of this error is that your backup server is behind a proxy server, and you will need to add the proxy settings to your CubeBackup configuration before proceeding.

Other errors

The site can't be reached
load license failed
  • load license failed: invalid block size
  • load license failed: invalid padding on input 2
  • load license failed: invalid PKCS7 Data

    These errors actually indicate a damaged license file on your backup server. Please click the Replace license link in the License information section on the OVERVIEW page of the CubeBackup web console, and reactivate your license code to sync the latest license information with the CubeBackup license server.

    Replace license link

SMTP server setting failed
  • SMTP server setting: EOF or Username and Password not accepted

    Detailed instructions and troubleshooting steps for setting up a custom SMTP server can be found here.

  • SMTP server setting: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

    Detailed troubleshooting steps for this error can be found here.