How to customize a CubeBackup instance hostname in email reports.

For MSPs or CubeBackup admins who manage multiple or redundant Cubebackup for Google Workspace instances, it can be a hassle to match status reports with specific instances.

To help with this, CubeBackup for Google Workspace includes the hostname of each instance at the bottom of the email reports by default. To make things even easier, you can customize the hostname to anything you wish by following the instructions below:

  1. Open the configuration file config.toml using a text editor.

    Starting with version 4.7, the configuration file is located at <installation directory>/etc/config.toml for fresh installations of CubeBackup. For installations upgraded through the console, or versions prior to 4.7, the configuration file is still located at <installation directory>/bin/config.toml.
         On Windows, the installation directory is located at C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4 by default.
         On Linux, the installation directory is located at /opt/cubebackup by default.

  2. Find the Hostname field, remove the comment character # and set the value to your customized hostname. If your config.toml file doesn't contain a Hostname line, you will need to add the following line to the beginning of the file:

    Hostname = "My CubeBackup instance"
  3. Send a test email report to confirm that the hostname has been successfully updated. You can do this by running the following command:

    cbackup sendMailReport <daily|weekly|monthly>

    1. On Windows, the cbackup.exe file is located in the C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin directory by default. On Linux, the cbackup file is usually located in the /opt/cubebackup/bin directory.
    2. This command requires special privileges:
    If CubeBackup runs on Windows, please run this command in a Windows Command Prompt using an Administrator account. For example:

    "C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbackup.exe" sendMailReport <daily|weekly|monthly>

    If CubeBackup runs on Linux, please open a bash shell and use

    sudo -u cbuser /opt/cubebackup/cbackup sendMailReport <daily|weekly|monthly> 

Now you can see where the email report is generated using the customized name of your host machine.