How to configure the automatic logout time for the CubeBackup web console.

CubeBackup login sessions are configured to automatically log out after 24 hours of inactivity. To customize these settings for enhanced security, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the configuration file config.toml on the backup server using a text editor.

    Starting with version 4.7, the configuration file is located at <installation directory>/etc/config.toml for fresh installations of CubeBackup. For installations upgraded through the console, or versions prior to 4.7, the configuration file is still located at <installation directory>/bin/config.toml.
         On Windows, the installation directory is located at C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4 by default.
         On Linux, the installation directory is located at /opt/cubebackup by default.

  2. In the [Web] section, add the IdleLogout field and set the value in seconds.

    IdleLogout = 3600
  3. Go to the CubeBackup installation directory and remove the following files:

    • <installation_directory>/db/session.sqlite.
    • <installation_directory>/db/session.sqlite-wal if there is one.
    • <installation_directory>/db/session.sqlite-shm if there is one.
  4. Save the changes and restart the CubeBackup service to apply the new settings.

    Please run this command.

    sudo /opt/cubebackup/bin/cbsrv restart

    Open a Command Prompt as Administrator, and run this command.

    "C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" restart

    Open the Windows PowerShell as Administrator, and run this command.

    & "C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" restart

    Please run this command to restart the container.

    sudo docker restart <container-name>