How do you uninstall CubeBackup for Microsoft 365?
Linux Users
To uninstall CubeBackup, run the command:
/opt/cubebackup365/bin/cbsrv uninstall
Note: cbsrv is the backup service program and is designed to be run as a daemon process. It can be used to start/stop/restart/uninstall CubeBackup service.
/opt/cubebackup365/bin/cbsrv --help
Windows Users
CubeBackup can be uninstalled through Control Panel -> Uninstall a program
Backup data
Please Note: After CubeBackup has been uninstalled, all backup files, configuration files, and the encryption key file remain untouched. If you later reinstall CubeBackup, you can continue incremental backups where you left off using the same configuration, encryption key, and backup files.