Troubleshooting steps for CubeBackup web console connection issues. How can I fix "Refused to connect" or "The site can't be reached" issues?


If you are having trouble connecting to the CubeBackup for Google Workspace web console or initial setup wizard, there are a few quick troubleshooting steps we can work through to try to help fix the problem.

Check if the connection is currently using the right port.

Check if the connection is currently using the right port. By default, CubeBackup for Google Workspace uses port 80 for HTTP connections. If you've bound the CubeBackup service to another port, please be sure to specify the port at the end of the URL instead. For example:

Check if the connection is attempting to use HTTPS.

Check if the connection is attempting to use HTTPS, when this hasn't been configured. CubeBackup for Google Workspace uses HTTP by default, so HTTPS connections will be refused if you have not yet enabled HTTPS in CubeBackup for Google Workspace.

Check your VPN or proxy settings.

Check if you've blocked the IP address or port in your VPN or proxy settings. If necessary, disconnect your VPN or set up the proxy in CubeBackup for Google Workspace and try again.

Check the CubeBackup service status.

Please run this command.

sudo /opt/cubebackup/bin/cbsrv status

Open a Command Prompt as Administrator, and run this command.

"C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" status

Open the Windows PowerShell as Administrator, and run this command.

& "C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" status

Please run this command to status the container.

sudo docker status <container-name>

If the service is running properly in the command response, please move on to the next step; otherwise, manually restart the service:

Please run this command.

sudo /opt/cubebackup/bin/cbsrv restart
sudo /opt/cubebackup/bin/cbsrv status 

Open a Command Prompt as Administrator, and run this command.

"C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" restart
"C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" status 

Open the Windows PowerShell as Administrator, and run this command.

& "C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" restart
& "C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\bin\cbsrv.exe" status 

Please run this command to restart the container.

sudo docker restart <container-name>

If CubeBackup for Google Workspace fails to properly restart, please compress and send us the log directory for reference. On Linux, it is located at /opt/cubebackup/log, and on Windows, you can find it at C:\Program Files\CubeBackup4\log.

Try disabling extensions in your browser.

Disable browser extensions, or visit the CubeBackup web console in incognito mode. Some browser extensions may interfere with the ability to open the CubeBackup web console.

Switch to another browser.

If you're not using Google Chrome, it might be useful to try using it temporarily to see if the issue is specific to your primary browser. For local instances of CubeBackup, you can also try connecting to it using another machine within your office network.

Reach out to CubeBackup support team for assistance.

If the web console is still not accessible after trying all the steps above, please contact [email protected] for help. Before reaching out to us, please prepare the following information for reference:

  • A screenshot of the browser window which refuses the connection.
  • The bind port you are currently using for CubeBackup if you've specified a different one.
  • The HAR file for this connection issue. You can download it in Chrome following the steps below:
    1. Press F12 to open developer tools in Chrome. Switch to the Console tab, and send us a screenshot if there are any errors. switch to the Console tab
    2. Switch to the Network tab in developer tools, check the Preserve log box, and, ensuring that the recording button is red, refresh the page.
    3. After the connection error is successfully recorded, please click the Export HAR… button to download the HAR file and send it to us. Export the HAR file