
Release of CubeBackup Version 3.0

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of CubeBackup 3.0! We know that many of our clients have been eagerly anticipating this new version for their G Suite backup. CubeBackup 3.0 incorporates many changes and improvements, including: 1. Team Drive Support Ever since Google launched Team Drive in 2017, it has been an integral […]

Expected features in CubeBackup version 3.x

We are currently working on the next major update of CubeBackup, Version 3.0. A lot of improvements will be added in the new version. 1. Parallel backup CubeBackup will allow you to choose how many accounts can be backed up in parallel. This will greatly improve the backup speed for large organizations who have fast […]

How to solve the “Authorization failed” problem in the initial configuration

The initial setup of CubeBackup is a little complicated, and some of our users might run into the “Google Apps authorization failed!” error when clicking the “Test” button in the initial configuration of CubeBackup. If you have carefully followed the instructions at, but still failed to pass the authorization test, please check the followings steps: […]

Initial Configuration Details for CubeBackup

Some customers have been concerned that the initial configuration of CubeBackup is too complicated, and they cannot understand why a simple authorization requires so many operations. In this post, I’d like to discuss OAuth 2.0 Service account and present a more detailed explanation of CubeBackup’s initial configuration. Although it may seem complicated at first,  the […]

Hotfix for CubeBackup

The new version of CubeBackup, version 2.6.8, has just been released. This is a hotfix version to solve the problems caused by recent changes in Google Drive APIs. We strongly suggest all CubeBackup users upgrade to this version as soon as possible.  We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this upgrade is not optional. What’s […]

How to backup Google Workspace data to Dropbox

Dropbox is undoubtedly one of the most widely used cloud storage.  It is available on almost all platforms, from Windows, MacOSX, Linux to nearly all mobile operating systems.  Dropbox guarantees that all your files will be protected by 256-bit AES encryption, and all files are transferred through SSL/TLS secure tunnel.  What’s more, compared with Google’s privacy […]

How to speed up backups for large organizations

Schools or large companies with hundreds of users can easily accumulate terabytes of Google Apps data, including tens of millions of Gmail messages. This presents a serious problem for backup strategies – the initial backup may take months or even longer! One reason for this is that CubeBackup performs user backups one by one in […]

CubeBackup 2.0 is released

Today we are shipping CubeBackup 2.0, a major release that has been in the works for 3 months. There are lots of bug fixes and feature improvements in the new version. Can I continue to stay with CubeBackup 1.x? No, you can’t!   Based on Google’s API deprecation statement  and, several APIs used […]

Price for educational organizations

Recently, we’ve received a lot of emails inquiring about the pricing for Non-Profit/Educational organizations. Since Google Apps is so popular among students and educators, these users are also very important to us at CubeBackup. We are pleased to offer a discount for Non-Profit/Educational organizations: $99   USD/year      Up to 50 accounts $499 USD/year […]

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